Hangzhou Hengli Transmission Co., Ltd.

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Why does the high temperature resistant conveyor belt tear?

Article source: unknown Popularity:发表时间:2018-04-28 14:39

1. Belt tearing caused by impurities in materials conveyed by high temperature resistant conveyor belt.For the coal port, the impurities in the conveyed materials are mainly due to the poor quality of the coal. The large coal and various impurities in the raw coal, such as iron, wooden sticks, etc., cause about 70-80% of the tearing, thus ensuring the source coal Quality is the key to tear resistance.

2. Belt tearing caused by improper installation of auxiliary equipment of belt conveyor.Belt conveyors have many auxiliary equipment. Falling linings, sharp irons adsorbed by the iron separator, improper installation of cleaners, etc. may cause tearing and scraping of the conveyor belt. Ordinary conveyor belts have no lateral protection structure and cannot prevent tearing.

3. Belt tearing caused by imperfect structure of belt conveyor.Due to the imperfect structure of the belt conveyor, the falling point of the conveyor belt is large, the relative speed of the impurities in the coal flow is large, the impact force is large, and the sharp and hard super-long impurities are easy to insert into the conveyor belt at the blanking point, causing The conveyor belt is torn.

4. Conveyor belt tearing caused by material blocking.The transfer chute is small, which can easily block the passage of materials and impurities and cause the conveyor belt to tear.

5. The deviation of the high temperature resistant conveyor belt causes edge ripping.

6. Coiled coal on the return journey.

In addition, the aging of the rubber at the joints of the high temperature resistant conveyor belt will cause water to enter the core layer of the conveyor belt, causing the steel rope to be rusted out and tearing.

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